Brain maps
Your brain map, also known as a brainwave map or EEG (electroencephalogram), is a visual representation of the electrical activity happening in your brain. It shows the different frequencies and patterns of brainwaves that are present at various locations on your scalp.

What does a QEEG tell me?
The brain map can provide insights into your brain's functioning, including:
1. Brainwave patterns: It can show the distribution and intensity of different brainwave frequencies, such as alpha, beta, theta, and delta waves. These patterns can indicate your mental states, such as relaxation, focus, or sleep.
2. Cognitive abilities: The brain map can reveal how well your brain is functioning in terms of attention, memory, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities. It can identify any areas of over or under-activity that may affect your cognitive performance.
3. Emotional states: It can provide information about your emotional states by showing the activation levels in specific brain regions associated w
ith emotions. This can help identify any imbalances or dysregulation that may contribute to mood disorders or emotional difficulties.
4. Neurological conditions: Brain maps can assist in diagnosing and monitoring certain neurological conditions, such as epilepsy, brain tumors, or sleep disorders. They can show abnormal brainwave patterns that may indicate the presence of these conditions.
5. Treatment progress: Brain maps can be used to track the effectiveness of certain interventions or treatments, such as neurofeedback or medication. By comparing brain maps taken before and after treatment, it can show any changes or improvements in brain functioning.
Overall, a brain map provides valuable information about the electrical activity and functioning of your brain, helping to understand your mental states, cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, and potential neurological conditions.

What is the process of getting a brain map?
Here is a general outline of the process:
1. Preparation: The client is typically asked to wash their hair thoroughly before the assessment to ensure good contact between the electrodes and the scalp. No hair gel of conditioner should be used and hair should be dry. They may also be instructed to avoid caffeine or other substances that may affect brain activity.
2. Electrode Placement: The client is seated comfortably in a chair, and a technician applies a conductive gel to their scalp. Small electrodes are then attached to specific locations on the scalp, typically using a cap or adhesive patches. The number and placement of electrodes vary depending on the specific assessment protocol.
3. Recording: Once the electrodes are in place, the client is asked to relax and remain still while their brain activity is recorded. The EEG machine detects and amplifies the electrical signals produced by the brain, which are then displayed on a computer screen or recorded for later analysis. 4. Data Analysis: The recorded EEG data is processed and analyzed using specialized software. The software compares the client's brain activity to a normative database or a specific set of criteria, allowing for the identification of patterns, abnormalities, or deviations from the norm.
5. Report Generation: Based on the analysis, a report is generated summarizing the findings of the QEEG assessment. This report may include quantitative measures such as power spectra, coherence, or event-related potentials, as well as qualitative observations and interpretations of the data.
6. Interpretation and Feedback: The QEEG report is typically reviewed by a qualified professional, such as a neurologist, neuropsychologist, or neurofeedback practitioner. They interpret the results and provide feedback to the client, explaining any significant findings and their implications for diagnosis, treatment, or further evaluation.
Why do we use QEEG?
Quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG) is used in neurofeedback as a diagnostic tool to assess and analyze brainwave patterns. Here are some reasons why qEEG is used in neurofeedback:
1. Individualized Treatment: qEEG allows for the identification of specific brainwave patterns and imbalances in an individual's brain. This helps in tailoring neurofeedback treatment to target and address the specific areas of concern.
2. Baseline Assessment: qEEG provides a baseline assessment of an individual's brainwave activity, allowing for comparison and monitoring of changes throughout the neurofeedback training sessions. This helps in tracking progress and determining the effectiveness of the treatment.
3. Objective Measurement: qEEG provides objective measurements of brainwave activity, which can be useful in understanding the underlying physiological and functional aspects of various neurological conditions. It helps in identifying abnormal patterns associated with conditions such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, and more.
4. Treatment Planning: By analyzing qEEG data, neurofeedback practitioners can create personalized treatment plans that target specific brainwave imbalances. This helps in optimizing the neurofeedback training protocols for each individual, leading to more effective and efficient results.
5. Research and Evidence: qEEG has been extensively researched and validated in the field of neurofeedback. It provides scientific evidence and support for the use of neurofeedback as a therapeutic intervention for various neurological conditions.
Overall, qEEG is a valuable tool in therapy as it allows for individualized treatment, objective measurement, treatment planning, and research support. It helps in understanding the brain's functioning and enables targeted interventions to improve brainwave patterns and overall brain health.